爱尔兰农场主协会报告,七月猪价上涨4 c/Kg

三农助农2022-06-05 03:21:34未知

爱尔兰农场主协会报告,七月猪价上涨4 c/Kg

  IRELAND - It was another positive week for pig farmers, with demand from all processors forcing the trade to continue its slow upward trend.No official price rises were reported but pig prices reported by the Department of Agriculture show that prices have continued to increase and have moved on by 4c/kg in the month of July.Pig farmers report prices from a low of 1.72 up to 1.76c/kg buying the majority of pigs this week.Strong demand from processors for the last few loads of pigs to fill their weekly demand resulted in stronger prices for some spot loads and prices up to 1.80c/kg have been reported.

  对于养猪户来说,本周又是一个值得兴奋的一周,爱尔兰猪肉加工场的需求迫使,猪肉贸易保持一个徐徐增长的态势。虽然尚未有正式价格上涨的报道,但是根据农业部报告的价格显示,猪价已经开始潞傍增长,并在七月上涨4c/kg。据养猪户报告,本周生猪的批发价格已经从较低的1.72 c/kg上涨到1.76c/kg。加工商为了满意每周的生猪需求,对最后贾卅生猪批发地的需求更加强烈,导致加工商对一些现货批发地的购价更高,据报道,已经涨至1.8 c/kg。

本文标签: ,爱尔兰  ,猪价  ,批发  ,养猪行情  


