
三农助农2022-06-20 15:39:07未知


  IRELAND - The Irish Farmers Association (IFA) National Pigs Committee Chairman Pat O’Flaherty is requesting the formation of an industry forum for the pig sector, similar to the structures already in place for the dairy and beef sectors.Pat O’Flaherty said: "This forum should comprise producers, processors, millers, banks and all other relevant players in the industry. I am requesting that this forum is set up with immediate effect to address the current issues in the sector, and to set out a long term strategy for the future viability of this very valuable industry."He said, the Irish pig industry is experiencing one of the worst crises in decades and there are no signs of any real recovery in the near future. The average pig unit (600 sows) is currently operating at a loss of almost 5,000 per week.

  爱尔兰农民协会(IFA)国家猪肉委员会主席派特·奥弗莱厄蒂(Pat O’Flaherty)正在请求为养猪业建立一个行业论坛,论坛要与已成立的奶制品和牛肉行业论坛结构类如。派特·奥弗莱厄蒂说:“论坛应当包括生产商、加工商、磨坊主、银行和行业其他相关人员。我所请求的论坛一旦成立就会有效解决行业当前问题,并为这个大有价值的行业在未来发展中提供长期的策略。爱尔兰猪肉行业正在遭受十年来最严重的危机之一,而在不久的将来并没有任何真正重苏的迹象。均匀每个正在经营的养猪场(600头母猪)每周损失5000欧元。”

本文标签: ,爱尔兰  ,行业论坛  ,养猪场  ,养猪行情  


