
三农助农2022-06-25 16:45:47佚名


  ANALYSIS - A twoyear El Nio event has bad a strong influence on world weather, according to Art Douglas, PhD, Professor Emeritus at Creighton University, who recently presented the annual weather forecast at the National Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) meeting, where he projected moisture conditions in the US to continue through the summer.Last summer, drought in India, Mexico and the Caribbean were attributed to El Nio and in the past two months, drought in Brazil has been tied to this strong event.Data from the tropical Pacific and NOAA models all suggest that 2014-2016 has now entered its decline phase, but ocean temperatures should remain at El Nio levels through at least late spring 2016.

  据克雷顿大学名誉教授阿特道格拉斯(Art Douglas)博士所说,为期两年的厄尔尼诺现象对世界天气有很强的负面影响。他最近在美国牛肉协会(NVBA)会议提出年度天气预料,在会议上他预料美国整个夏天处于湿度状态。去年夏天印度(India)、墨西哥(Mexico)和加勒比海(Caribbean)为期两个月的干旱都是因为厄尔尼诺现象,巴西的干旱也离不开厄尔尼诺。来自美国国家海洋和大气局和热带太平洋的数据模型显示厄尔尼诺现象在2014年-2016年已经陷入衰减期,但是受厄尔尼诺影响的海洋温度应该会保持到2016年春季末期。

本文标签: ,厄尔尼诺现象  ,气候  ,养猪行情  


